| Wilson Generations addressed on this site began with the former slave owning Calhoun family of Georgia per oral history handed down by Charles R. Wilson whose African heritage mother named Cindy (Lucinda) was a concubine to his father Angus Lafayette Calhoun who died in Cuthbert, Randolph County, Georgia, ... we speculate that he died during 1889 and thus conclude Angus Calhoun was likely born in 1851. Like so many other post-revolutionary war families, the Calhoun offspring in Georgia were related to those of that surname in other states via virtue of not only sexual liberties with multiple women, White and non-White (otherwise categorized as polygamy), .... but also the taking of Cherokee lands (including female offspring) hastened the process. By the time Andrew Jackson was President of the new United States, the Cherokee lands were merely awaiting the final solution. It was legalized genocide/murder and removal of the Cherokee as slave owning White men rushed in with mostly Virginia born and bred slaves. The slave chattel were purchased for the purpose of making their owners rich and maybe aristocrats like those on the coastal enclaves. Charleston aristocrats prided themselves as thoroughbreds untainted by inferior blood such as "the wild Irish" or the even more ruthless Scotch-Irish heritage. Indeed, both the Declaration of Independence and constitution adopted in 1787 had clearly stated that all White men were equal but interpreted to mean some White men were more equal than other White men, ... by the grace of their ancestry. But, lesser White men would have the liberty to pursue happiness, ... imitate the aristocrats many wanted to be. Owning a lot of land was not enough, nor even having many slaves to work the rich black soil of the cotton kingdoms. But rather to be viewed as an aristocrat such as the Hamptons of South Carolina, one had to have the condiments such as personal servants (including concubines) and claims of being widely loved by inferiors as a good Anglo-Saxon Christian even though not "frozen chosen" like the revolutionary war Episcopalians. In Georgia, South Carolina and all the other original thirteen colonies successful in their war of independence from Great Britain; the assembled Congress in New York, had issued military warrants for vast lands west of the Allegheny Mountain chain stretching from New York to Alabama, so-called "crown lands" taken from the French during the British victory in war of 1754-1763, including much of that claimed by Spaniards. Most warrants were issued as non-cash payment for military services by the approximately 300,000 veterans and thousands of aristocratic politicians of the great victory.
The irony of it all is the French born Normans descended from the Danish Vikings led by William the Conqueror conquered in 1076 C.E. (same year Almoravids conquered Ghana Empire) the England born Saxons, assimilated them to conquer their Welsh born cousins who subsequently helped in conquest of stubborn Scotland kinfolks who joined in the eradication of Irish aristocracy and subjugation of Ireland. The great Brits as they were soon called, ... not only conquered all opponents and partnered with greedy African kings and queens to acquire slaves for labor in alien lands but invented the popular game of "bridge" in which you have to partner to win. Brown versus board of Education Now, for the rest of the story about the Calhoun origins of African-Americans who adopted the name of Wilson as a rather practical matter just prior to the 20th century, and at least a century since a mother of African and perhaps some Cherokee ancestry was sexually assimilated in the Calhoun DNA strain. John Caldwell Calhoun, during first half of the 19th century was the most vocal and persistent proponent of chattel slavery in United States as a matter of morality, not simply economic benefits to slave owners. Calhoun reasoned as Africans, Semites, Romans, and all slave owning societies that because slavery benefited owners, ... human enslavement was good unless their own liberties were taken away ie by Egyptians, Babylonians, Goths, British, etc. His reasoning that slavery was "goodness" not evil fore-shadowed federal Armageddon as a million dead young men would surely see and know it in their lives. Calhoun died ten years before his young disciples in South Carolina fired on U.S. Fort Sumter and began the Civil War. And, when forces of evil were defeated and distraught in the Union they had sought to destroy, ... at least one Calhoun descendent reasoned and blamed freed slaves as cause of the war, not ancestral slave owners and their accursed cause.
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