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American Revolution Timeline
Home Up Legacies of Change European Background Slavery and the Negro King James to Jamestown Thames River to Jamestown James Island to Jamestown Caribbean Cousins IDEAS OF REVOLUTION Braddock's Grave American Revolution Timeline Signers of the Declaration of In First American Revolution Washington's Army George Washington Letter The Loyal Blacks Revolutionary Choices James River to James Buchanan James River to Missus Jane Native American Factoring Easter Spring Forward Movements Second American Revolution Logic of Ideology

Mary Lee Brady, Ph.D.











1763 The French and Indian War ends. The British defeat France and acquire the French empire in North America.

1765 Britain passes the Stamp Act to directly tax the colonists. The act requires that revenue stamps be put on all legal documents, deeds, newspapers, pamphlets, dice, and playing cards.

1766 The Stamp Act is repealed. However, a Declaratory Act reiterates Britain's right to pass laws for and levy taxes on the colonies.

1773 During the Boston Tea Party, colonists disguised as Native Americans throw tea from British ships into the ocean to protest the Tea Act (December). The act was passed to allow the British East India Company to sell tea to the colonists, but the tea included a British tax.

1774 Intolerable Acts are passed. They close the port of Boston, curtail the powers of the Massachusetts assembly and town meetings, provide for compulsory quartering of troops by colonists, and exempt imperial officials from trial in Massachusetts.

1775 American militias defeat British troops in the battles of Lexington and Concord, the first battles of the war (April).

1775 American troops capture Fort Ticonderoga, beginning the war in New York (May).

1775 The British defeat the Americans at the Battle of Bunker Hill. The Continental Congress commissions George Washington to lead the Continental Army (June).

1776 The Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence (July).

1776 The British defeat American troops at the Battle of Long Island, seizing the city of New York (August).

    1.    George Washington decides to enlist free and slave Black men in the Continental army and navy.  Men like William Lee are sizeable number of the troops being trained at Valley Forge during harsh winter of 1776-1777.

1776 Washington and his troops cross the Delaware River to launch a surprise attack; they defeat the British at the battles of Trenton and Princeton (December).

    2.   British forces composed mainly of Hessian youth conscripted and trained by Prince William of Hesse and subsequently leased to his cousin King George of Britain, ... who paid William via vouchers discounted for cash via Rothschild Bankers in Frankfurt.

1777 British troops capture Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, home of the Continental Congress (September).

    3.    Many slaves in Philadelphia were enabled to freedom via enlistment in services to the British while others were impressed for services as contraband property.   

1777 British troops are defeated at Saratoga, New York, failing to cut New England off from the rest of the colonies (October).

1778 The Continental Congress enters a formal alliance with France, which provides money, weapons, and soldiers (February).

1778 The British capture Savannah, Georgia, in an effort to implement their Southern strategy, an attempt to capture Southern colonies with support of Southern Loyalists (December).

1779 Colonial troops seize a British fort at Vincennes, taking control of the war in the west (February).

1779 The colonial vessel, Bonhomme Richard, forces the surrender of the British warship, Serapis (September).

1780 British forces capture Charleston, South Carolina, as part of the Southern strategy (May).
1781 The British are defeated at Guilford Courthouse, North Carolina and realize that their Southern strategy is unlikely to succeed (March).

1781 The British surrender at Yorktown, ending most of the fighting in North America (October).

1783 The Treaty of Paris is signed, recognizing the independence of the United States (September).

1787 The Constitution of the United States is signed by the delegates of the Constitutional Convention (September).

1789 The Constitution becomes effective.

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