Matthew, like Jesus was a Jew and also likely like him descended from the lineage of Kings David and Solomon that existed: before the Babylonian Empire, Persian Empire, Greek Empire and Roman Empire that succeeded prior conquests over Judea. He began his testament about the life of Jesus by beginning with the generations from which Jesus was descended; not the emperors and kings that ruled over them. He presented Jesus as a fulfillment of holy scripture in the empowerment of Jesus to overcome the greatest powers of man the world had ever known. Indeed, even though punctured and fatally wounded by the philosophy of Jesus, it took over 500 years for the Roman Empire to disintegrate to states of nothingness that matters to believers. 
We think new generation artists and writers are compelled to have some insight into the Roman Empire; not simply it existed in writings by Shakespeare but more importantly it epitomized the realities of evil versus good in the world sought by Jesus. They scourged and crucified a man who had broken no laws of anyone or harmed a single person; not to mention the Romans killed and enslaved millions, crucified thousands of people every year and required their emperors be worshipped as gods. Roman power and influence was vast beyond Rome. And, functional scholars have long believed that Matthew murdered in the Aksumite Kingdom (Ethiopia); and at least four other of the original 12 disciples of Jesus were believed to have been executed on African soil as "trouble makers." Indeed, any mention of Jesus called "Christ/Savior" by first century believers and called "Christus" by Roman historian Josephus was viewed as troublesome since only their emperor could be the "Living Christ." Book of Matthew begins by offering some insight into even longer Hebrew calendar of known generations preceding gifted birth of Jesus who called himself "Son of Man." Book of John was written generations later, and it was mother's milk for millions of enlightened and educated mothers like Cora Lee Frog Finney Hill Atkins, born 1907.
We think a subliminal message from Him to believers is that gifted children are also fathered as are the "infirmed." And, so it was that many hereditary roots began in Africa where ruthless raider-traders did indeed capture and sell fast and slow victims. It matters that writers understand who, how and why a lot (not all) of enslaved African-Americans conceived a Living Christ without images or buildings-palaces for worship. "What then did you go out to see? A man dressed in fine clothes? Look, those who wear fine clothing are found in kings’ palaces." [Matthew 11-9] Very few 18th and 19th century religious worship palaces (churches, mosques and synagogues) allowed slaves to see and hear who and what existed inside. Functional believers learned they had to "throw your buckets down and draw water where you are" [Booker T]. 

By beginnings of the 20th century a one-eyed preacher born in Louisiana, not up from essence of slavery, purchased and profited "Jesus in a can" by embracing reasoning of evangelicals who persuaded him to embrace newly emerging Pentecost beliefs that essentially "in the valley of the blind, a one-eyed man can be king." Maybe functional believer new generations of gifted and talented will help free functional goodness from hyped generations best categorized as historic practical jokes such as "let Prince Albert out of his can." "Prince Albert in a can"The brand is the basis of a practical joke, usually made in the form of a prank call. The prankster typically calls a store and asks if they have "Prince Albert in a can." When the unsuspecting clerk responds "yes" (because the tobacco is typically packaged in a can, though other forms of packaging also existed), the caller follows up with, "Well, you'd better let him out!" or "Then why don't you let him out before he suffocates!?"[6][7] Another, more crass form of this call went "Do you have Prince Albert in the can?" When the respondent said "yes," the caller rejoined, "Well let him out before he drowns!" youtube how to draft a movie script - Bing video Image above right is entitled Armour Materielle by artist Alex Beaujour. And writers need characterizations to help slow the tide that breeds and drowns millions of new births in philosophical beliefs, values and logic of Aristotle and Malcolm; not philosophy of Jesus and King seen and heard reasoning joined to faith. We think there are many undeveloped themes such as Sojourner Truth many times and places following, hounding and tempting the greatest pre-emancipation abolitionist Frederick Douglass with the rhetorical question: "Frederick, Frederick is GOD dead?" He was challenged and tempted In the presence of thousands of abolition listeners like Sarah Elizabeth Hemings Jefferson, b.1835 who had little or no functional power other than by faith. The renewed Roman Republic of 1787 constituted in America had godless power and purpose to maintain slavery, not liberate slaves. 
Douglass always answered "no!" In fact, he joined logic to his faith in always concluding that because GOD was not dead, slavery was doomed to end in bloodshed. What if he had answered yes, maybe or I do not know? Does anyone know or even dare to know why Robert E. Lee was defeated at Gettysburg in a losing power cause that dragged on for another two years to the 13th Amendment to United States Constitution in 1865 essentially reinserting 1775 doctrinal empowerment declaration that all men are born equal under GOD? Is there a difference between pursuits of empowerment and power? Try to keep in mind that revolutionary movements in the functional faith is/was always beyond racial origin and national boundaries overcome generation by generation among "the least of us" in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and the Pacific Islands. And it is still a functional mystery for artists and writers that go out to see and hear other than what does not matter or mix in the functional faith.
Writers should not ignore why Dr. King and others were morally compelled in year 1957 to sojourn in Africa. Many gifted and educated of African heritage always cared to believe Africa equally mattered from at least the peaceful revolutionary generation of Paul Kofi through that of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Kwame Nkrumah. It matters. Nina Simone&Miriam Makeba Thulasizwe-I Shall Be Released- YouTube Movements matter, and certainly the most critical time in any movement are functions, like births, that successfully confront the opposition. And so we believe a functional Jesus inspired the movement/revolutions/strategies we dare not ignore or forget. New generations need to learn and understand why the philosophy of Jesus Christ still very much matters in plights of new generations in any color or cause. We fear that such is not understood by many or most HBCU and non-HBCU graduates alike with reasoning not joined to the faith that unbound their own ancestral fathers and mothers; most of whom had little knowledge or understanding of functional faith that overcame chattel slavery in Africa and the Americas. So, we urge beginning with belief that gifted children, as with Jesus, were born with capabilities not defined solely by education. Obama commencement Howard University 2016 
Gifted minds of men like Frederick Douglass (image on right) and women overcame functional fear, ignorance and worse to motivate millions of Americans to comprehend that African-Americans were franchised at birth as human beings in the spirit of Christ. And whether by religion, slavery, law or lynching their franchise to live, personal liberty and pursuit of goodness ought not be denied or taken away by modern-day functional Roman beliefs about men and women over whom adversaries profess jurisdiction and judgment based on racial origins. It matters that "the least of us" not dishonor their prior generations of mothers and fathers by romanticizing/judging them less than themselves. Such attitudes are not traits of superiority; but that of born again spiritual fallacies in nothingness. WalterHawkins&TheLoveCenterChoir-ComeByHereYouTube 
We want visitors to have a smorgasbord of interesting topics to consider. The site is intended to excite and help underwrite a new generation of scholars that matter as useful believers about and among "the least of us" ... up from salvaged generations of various causes and colors integrated (not denigrated, segregated and isolated) in human redemption made possible via functional fatherhoods and motherhoods in the inherited functional faith that goodness is generated in pursuit of it. Most beneficiaries require generations of pursuit, ... more than years, months, weeks and days. Too many hundreds of neighborhoods are regressed by now elderly men and women who, a generation or more ago, forsake functional community values espoused by functional believer mothers. Too many hundreds of neighborhoods are regressed by now elderly men and women who, a generation or more ago, forsake functional community values espoused by believer mothers like Mary Church Terrell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Her Social Working Model New story tellers need new information about old matters such as Mary, Martha and other mothers like Mary Church Terrell (image on left) congregated in less than merry social work functions nurturing and inspiring offspring in HIS Philosophy of Life beyond religious raptures and rituals. She reasoned that inspiration and motivation of new generations children could best be achieved social organizing local/neighborhood motherhoods (grassroots) joined in the common faith; and bonded together by Robert's Rules on Basic Motions - For Dummies which more or less assured leadership development by literate mothers with demonstrated values. Thus, early organizing focused on childhood enlightenment and education joined to inherited faith from generations 61 and 62 that generated many young women within the 63rd generation in the philosophy of life generated by Jesus. Mary was born in 1864 when many stories were told and written about gifted and talented mothers and others that mattered in helping "the least of us." They were her role models, not fictitious characterizations such as later portrayed by Hattie McDaniel. Mary Church Terrell was the daughter of a Washington, D.C. Baptist minister and graduate of Oberlin College a dynamic source of Presbyterianism renown for it's functional Christianity when and where African-Americans needed it most in the Second American Revolution. She teamed up with educated women like Mrs. Booker T. Washington to institutionalize strategies, plans and programs to gather and disseminate functional knowledge useful to others such as leaders of African-American Colleges and Universities struggling to recruit, indoctrinate and train 64th generation Generation Tables teachers and preachers "up from slavery in the pursuit of goodness." Writers should not ignore fact that it was women's club movements within the functional churches that organized the earliest anti-lynching campaigns, and their demonstrations for change led by club women like Ida. B. Wells that fostered creation of both the Urban League and the National Association of Colored People. Ida B. Wells - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rosa Parks was a club woman in Montgomery, Alabama wherein the approximately 100,000 African-Americans having constructed 40 churches between the years 1865 and year 1955. Therein Montgomery Improvement Association began its famed bus boycott and suggesting to us there would have been fifty or more neighborhood women's clubs in addition to at least 40 church based Sunday Schools and women's mission auxiliary. The talented tenth for sure with several hundreds of women that mattered in the coming forth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the functional faith. It was these neighborhood gifted and talented young women who motivated and recruited the tens of thousands to boycott riding racially segregated buses. The church buildings were always a source for functional use like learning to read and be heard. 
Functional movements in the functional faith generated Women's clubs with women like Rosa Parks in Montgomery, Alabama that helped motivate the Southern Christian Leadership Movement of believers founded by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was indoctrinated and educated in his own heritage up from functional generations in the body and spirit of a Living Christ. King helped shepherd and keep the inherited functional faith within the boycott demonstrations, student sit-in demonstrations, voting rights demonstrations, marches and speeches as a drummer for justice. Mass media coined the term of civil rights movement and in due time it so became that scholars and writers disassociated movements in the inherited faith. Oberlin College - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Our concern is that later-day successor generation voices such as Tavis Smiley and Cornell West (image on right) have functionally disconnected the inherited faith and redefined their understandings based on writings by a lot of latter-day scribes with reasoning not joined to a functional faith they know little or nothing about prior to generation of Dr. King. Characterizing communities on basis of color is not the pursuit of goodness preached by King and his peers who valued inspiring, motivating and educating children the old fashioned way including local motherhood matters and Sunday Schools propagating values about what is right and what is wrong. Dr. Cornell West was/is a 66th generation scholar with philosophical reasoning not joined to functional faith of 65th generation scholars like Dr. King generated by evangelized generations (at least 10) of African-American beliefs in a Living Christ. The 67th generation of functional believers generated the 68th that is here, and now the future belongs to them to be nurtured within the homes, Sunday Schools, neighborhoods, and public schools in pursuit of Goodness; not glorification of themselves. Our hopes are that their generation of gifted and talented will not try reasoning away inherited functional faith by which all accounts is still a great mystery to be had and held dear and near. Our fears are trivia pursuits in lieu of functional faith. Cornel West - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia If, and only if and when the mother is evangelized in the pursuit of goodness, Sunday schools by enlightened and educated teachers in places like Atlanta for boys like Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekly one hour Sunday morning classes before beginning of adult communion/worship services provided a boy or girl in the 5 to 12 year age groups with upwards of 364 hours of topical indoctrination on topics such as: fellowship, friendships, love, tolerance, envy, jealousy, rage, hatred, pilferage, theft and lies that make community possible or impossible. Indeed the notion of community is a product of communions in the faith. 
Most American feminists (Black or White) have no idea that women like Mary Church Terrell ever existed, and men are even worse using terms like community (minus spiritual communion with values in common). Who coined the oxymoron phrase "Black Community?" Indeed, where, when and how do functional communities ever come into existence in any generation anywhere? The term community is woefully misused by articulate but empty talking heads. Garbage in and garbage out is tolerated among "the least of us" but recipe words like "Black America" have little or no functional value in birthing, nurturing, inspiring, motivating and educating children of African heritage integrated in a new and better generation of Africans, Americans, Asians and Europeans. King and N'Krumah both said so. Who decided that communities are or should be based on color or organized religion? Men? Women? Or absence and/or loss of faith in Jesus Christ as a source for new beginnings-generations in pursuit of goodness? Many self educated men such as Daddy Grace, Father Divine, Elijah Muhammad (image on left) born after facts of the international slave industry by Africans, Americans, Arabs, and Europeans was overcome. 
They were all born of men and women who avoided and did not serve in the great struggle that emancipated them; read old testament literature and reasoned that philosophy of Jesus was not the means for uplifting men, women and children of color in America. Too many sought to create new faiths centered around their own self-existence. Reverend Al Sharpton once wisely remarked on TV that such ignorance by the Children of Israel released from bondage in Egypt wandered for 40 years in a voyage that should not have taken more than 40 days. Certainly the unenlightened lacked to understand differences between religious worship and the functional faithful led by Moses. The functional faith of Booker T. Washington (Presbyterianism) with minds, hearts and hands: up from slavery in churches without walls is still the only manifest community across the salvation bridges of prior generations of woe and worse. simon and garfunkel bridge over troubled water - Bing Those bridges included the blood, sweat and tears of real people affording ancestral lineages that ought to be known and honored by descendents in America as new testament chapters of functional stories. Not based on August Wilson who had neither a ancestral or literary heritage in African heritage families up and onward in the functional faith. youtube music aretha franklin - Bing video It was almost anti-Christ for any African heritage social planner to imagine goodness in children not connected to same in their collective inter-generation motherhoods which is the essence of Living Christ beliefs (not by everybody) that spanned the 19th century and first half of the 20th. Such was before generation 66 of educated but unenlightened mothers and others abandoned their most critical local heritage in organizing boys and girls to "know and tolerate one another." "Boyz to men" under adverse and harsh conditions such as existed during the past five centuries was overcome by men and women joined in the spirit of Christ, born and nurtured as a Jew whose philosophical church was built on nurturing mother and child to new and better generations. Social Work Programs We believe now is a good time to tell and characterize what has been seen and heard via documented sources such as listed in menu of (documented) believer generations on left. We do not seek to propagate organized religion nor glorify ancestors as gods and saints; but rather acknowledge functional believer fathers and mothers duly honored for Goodness sake seen and heard by a lot of folks we have seen and heard about. All individuals, families and clans cited are intended to help inspire new storytellers mitigate their own legitimacy as functional believers in philosophy of life generated by Jesus of Nazareth. It matters as to how stories began or continued through generations with or without spirit of Him that no one could see, yet millions in many lands and nations believed HE was the Living Christ. And even more millions did not generate goodness but instead degenerated it when free to do so. Yet, there is hope that new gifted minds can be helpful and useful to their generation. 
We perceive that too little has been researched and published for new youth to grasp the methods and means by which goodness was generated by prior generations connected in tandem to pull them up. We very much want them to learn and understand that English evolved as the language of empowerment used to not only shape a worldwide empire of colonial bridges The Facts and Fiction and History of Bridge by powerful aristocrats; but also used by useful functional believers like John Wesley to cross-over and spread gospel/goodness in ways that mattered among a revolutionary few that functionally teamed up to bid for it via their faith and functions under conditions of adversity. capture of lord cornwallis by an african american - Bing images thoughts beyond cause-cast-color based reasoning. New writers ought not ignore or forget revolutionary fervor and propagation of ideas and births generated by men and women who mattered in the spirit of Jesus Christ.
It was they who propagated generations 57, 58, and 59 beliefs as a functional foundation for Second American Revolution by generations 60, 61, and 62 that fostered personal liberty for generations 63, 64 and 65 believers who cared to research and recall their ancestral heritage to be useful, and thus tell the stories that help enlighten offspring generations 66, 67 and 68 functional believers. Pursuits of power based on militant skin might and color or: empowerment generated by functional faith (father and mother) in pursuit of Goodness? So, who births what and where? Quakers like Granville Sharpe (below right) believed generations were empowered by philosophy of Jesus as reasoning joined to faith, not limited to church or state authorizations then or now. Granville Sharp (1735-1813) The Civil Servant, Abolition of Slavery 
Sharpe helped motivate revolutionary beginning of ending the international slave trade finally ended when Abraham Lincoln was empowered by Americans in functional faith to do so. Whether reading philosophy or contemplating unseen spiritual dimensions, new writers are challenged to wonder why or why not functional matters span uncountable degenerations in Roman romanced reasoning overcome by known ancestral generations in our inherited faith that is not defined as physical matter. Not even life itself versus newfound faith by opportunists/pretenders pursuant the imaginary battles of Armageddon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia were already fought and won; .... unless one imagines that almost two thousand years of religious sacrifice, genocide and the international slave trade is/was not the essence of evil. There are still many who reluctantly acknowledge that slavery was not good but deny that it was an evil way of life worthy of divine intervention. Indeed there are a lot of self-proclaimed Christians who will not believe in Jesus until he comes again to be seen and heard in the flesh, not metaphysical. But, they also matter in order for new writers to understand goodness is much more than espoused as organized religion or laws/regulations by powerful people. Their challenge like so many other believer story-tellers past is seeking a semblance of Truth in the pursuit of Goodness. We should keep in mind that past writers such as Harper Lee in writing "To Kill A Mockingbird" was not in search of truth or goodness, but forgiveness in name of law and her father's father and his father for documented evil they daily saw and heard sing loud and clear. Her book sought to whitewash the very well documented history of lynching's in her lifetime. So, she essentially blamed the victim for his own loss of life by running for liberty from a man who had legal authority to execute him. Generation Tables 
And, which generation is/was accountable/responsible for which successor generation/generations? We believe that new writers embracing the philosophy of life inspired by Jesus can find interesting and useful information by trying to review and account for the generation of goodness via births and inspiration of beliefs, virtues and values. Why does it matter when Goodness came into existence to overcome what for who? For some people of African heritage, not Clarence Thomas, it is a mystery beyond reasoned rituals/texts defining who, what and where is universal faith and functions. Ancient Aksum Empire has to be included in any legitimate historical analysis about how, when and where Jesus was known and believed to be the Christ. Image on left depicts imaged beliefs in the [1st and 2nd Generations] in HIS spirit. Not enough has been written and published about the functional gaps between then and now. Facts are that Roman and other degenerate cultures in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe, somewhat modified, have continued long after the crucifixion of Jesus. What happened? It is a fascinating thought, perhaps even inherited faith that a man murdered and pronounced dead by the Romans, still lived in hearts and minds of believers. And images matter very much in stories that writers wish to convey. Images without stories are essentially pagan, as so with preaching and teaching without images that youth can visualize and relate to. Here again, a fallacy of the consequence of more than 150 years of too few images up from slavery is akin to youth basketball playing without nets and millions of mothers coaching baseball: without visible bases. Because images matter, the visual arts matter to youth. Below left Christian image produced and propagated for the Roman Catholic faithful does not afford youth imagining that any of the 70+12 disciples ordained by Jesus were women or people of color. Art is power forward. 
Workers will soon enter the tomb of Jesus — and repair the ‘Holy Stone’ with titanium bolts Do writers honor or deny memories of them that were believers in prior millenniums, centuries and decades who birthed all the generations in our site Generation Tables. Who were the earliest believers of African heritage before or in addition to African-Americans hauled into bondage? Our point of observation herein for new writers is that past organized religious mindsets bonded to their own cultures imagined any occurrences of Africans at important historical events to be in the personages of slaves. Hollywood style. Some functional believers like Dr. W.E.B. Dubois (disdainful of organized religion) and Sojourner Truth - Black History - believed HIS meta-physical existence in their faith inspired generations of believers: needed to be motivated to act in pursuit of goodness. For them, just being a believer was not enough and both actively said so on hundreds of occasions up from "slave mindsets over here and heathenism over there." Like it or not a lot of believers like Sojourner Truth existed within the same time warps as many infamous heathen such as Seh Dong Hong Beh of Dahomey (below left) living in far greater numbers. We should not ignore abnormal sister-hood rivals existing as predators to normal mother-hoods and Queen Mothers in West Africa. And they too came to America bound and shackled for sale as concubines and laborers. The genetic consequences and legacies spanning many sexual decades are not conducive to short stories. Facts are that nearly an entire potential generation of goodness via Dahomey mothers (born in the same timeline as Harriet Tubman): were indoctrinated to behave as young men killing and raiding for the slave trade. They and it were philosophically overcome by functional faith of mothers in America like Sojourner Truth who daily cried out to their Living Christ for divine intervention. New generation writers are urged to consider those facts and functions millions embraced for the past five generations. 

New generation writers ought not assume that all or most young men and women sold as slaves were innocent victims of foreign slave traders. The infirmed, helpless, homeless and nameless no-bodies of families, clans and villages of the damned were often wanting but lacking the spirit of goodness in their midst. Scholars have to wonder why in daring to imagine what many revolutionary Americans of African heritage did dare to overcome including a lot of crazed Dahomey women. Indeed, the Second American Revolution spanning the 19th and 20th centuries was very much about bad attitudes and behaviors in Virginia as well as bad, bad Dahomey genetic exports to America. What about their ancestral heritage? What did their ancestors believe or do about bad news seen and heard such as barefoot young women who practiced beatings and enslavement of children; and even witchcraft inclusive of drugs and poisons for desired ends? Getting pregnant and having babies did not automatically generate the spirit of goodness in motherhoods, shackled or free. Using waterworks to gain compassion and pity after the facts of bad behaviors witnessed by others is not pursuit of goodness; and scholars need to also interview men when researching motherhood matters. big joe turner honey hush - Bing video This heritage was also exported along with other cultural dynamics including bipolar personalities and degenerate story-telling deceptions soaked in tears, acting out a performance to evoke compassion by gullible viewers. The stories are far more harmful than a urban fiction novel by Alice Walker or August Wilson plays that depict pursuit of nothingness as something of historical value to scholars. Things Fall Apart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Entrapment of men and women in their own evil is not limited to the Hebrew Book of Kings, Greek tragedies or Shakespearean literature. We are curious as to how so many mothers and Queen Mothers with functional economic, moral and political power: both birthed and indoctrinated youth to desert and denigrate them, as perhaps occurred among the many gifted and talented Fante people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Young adult male desertions before and during Hurricane Katrina has a motherhood deficit cultural history beyond music dancing. New writers who love travel have an excellent opportunity in Ghana to examine why near-term motherhoods ultimately shape long-term cultural dynamics as it was/is in Christ. The Akan culture has a ancient language and literary histories. Mothers matter most in understanding beginnings that too many youth experts ignore. |