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Bible as Literature
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Mary Lee Brady, Ph.D.










The various bibles, including the King James Bible, Jefferson Bible, Jewish Torah, Catholic Vulcan, and Islam Koran are great literature that enlightened and educated people have read and considered to be a great gift of human enlightenment to scholars and writers.  Indeed, the greatest great minds in various philosophies during the past thousand years including William Shakespeare, Isaac Newton, John Locke, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, E.B.W. Dubois, Kwame N'Krumah and Martin Luther King, Jr. read various bibles and interpretations as great literature, ... not magical texts. 

Most African-American non-readers of other great literatures tend to fall into the first and second centuries ancient Coptic Christian beliefs and religious practices born of African spiritual values focused much more on faith in the meta-physical world than functions seeking goodness in their earthly lives.  Proclaiming what mortal men wrote as the "Word of God" requires more than faith but a belief system that compresses the ever expanding unknown universe of energy and matter into a known domain that prophets, priests and preachers claim to know and love.  Who knows what new generations should believe? 

The Jesuit philosophy essentially says "you can believe whatever you want to believe, so long as you believe what we tell you to believe."  One of the most brilliant displays of Hollywood genius has been its writing and production of episodes such as "Star Trek" in which mortal men and women are able to examine and think about the unknown in terms that science and technology experts have wondered about for at least a thousand years or more. 

Equally important to great minds of man was learning about the geography of the writers who wrote the various scriptures.  Most unenlightened and uneducated believers generally have no idea as to the places, time-lines and people described; but, rather have faith that what was written is sacred.  Booker T. Washington noted in his book "Up From Slavery" that most African-American preachers did not know the proper use of bibles.  We would add that a lot more other bible belt preachers born in ignorance have read little or nothing else (including Shakespeare and thoughts by American philosophers like Franklin and Jefferson), ... and are equally ignorant about what great men saw and heard in writing bibles.

                            Ancient African Christians


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