| We do not know for certain, but have reasoned that he was indeed born to a mother likely a descendent of the Lee offspring dispersed after the death of George and Martha Washington, half slave and half free. More research is required to help determine who was his father and mother; and whether or not he was descended from William or Frank Lee of Mount Vernon. Our theme about his life is that he was awarded a medal of honor for services during the Spanish American War; and it is not to be forgotten that in 1799, George Washington had acknowledged the services and traits that his ancestor William Lee exhibited during the Revolutionary War. It required a hundred years to generate recognition long overdue to men who served and distinguished themselves in harm's way. Some of the Lee offspring by virtue of Virginia laws regarding dower slaves of Martha Washington were not freed but rather sold into further bondage among, 4 of whom were apparently living in Dinwiddie County during period of the Virginia 1810 census data collection. Fitz Lee, born 1866 in Dinwiddie County Virginia is perhaps a descendent of Lucy and Grace Lee. Lee 4 p.148 Dinwiddie County Lee, Polley _ p.118b Petersburg Town Lee, Polly 2/2 p.126a Petersburg Town Lee, Betsey 1 p.120a Petersburg Town Lee, Phillis 1 p.127b Petersburg Town Lee, Lucky 5 p.121b Petersburg Town Lee, Nancy 8 p.338 Richmond City Lee, Lucy 9, p.112b Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania County
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