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Billy Hemings Brown
Home Up Billy Hemings Brown Kate & Twin Gawen Hemings Brown, born 1780 Wormeley Hughes Hemings, born 1781 Burwell Hemings, born 1783 Brown Hemings Brown, born 1785 Melinda Hemings Brown, born 1787 Edwin (Colbert) Hemings, born 1793 Robert Hemings Brown, born 1799 Mary Hemings Brown, born 1801

Mary Lee Brady, Ph.D.










Billy Hemings Brown, born 1777 at Monticello was apparently the first-born of Betty Brown and died in May 1778.  The meticulous record keeping of Thomas Jefferson reflected on page 28 of his farm-book offer some insight into the infant mortality rate among slaves who were perhaps the best cared for in the slave holding north or south; and even at Monticello it was high as compared to modern infant mortality rates for Blacks or Whites. 

It is noted that Bett Hemings Brown named the child after his father, ... indicating that she probably was in love Billy Brown her husband who may have been a freeman serving in the Virginia Militia or Continental Army.


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